The Calculator was developed in the EduFootprint Plus project and will be upgraded for the use of the EduFootprint Plus project.
Ambiente Italia, partner of EduFootprint Plus project, has developed a tool that allows automatically calculating the Environmental footprint of demo buildings: EduFootprint Plus Calculator.

The Calculator measures resource consumption and activities carried out in the demo building and converts this in the environmental impact due to the supply of resources and assimilation of waste generated.
It may help owners and manager of demo buildings to identify the main environmental impacts of everyday activities and encourage progress towards more sustainable practices. It considers not just direct consumptions of building (as for instance, energy or water) but also other activities that have impacts on the environment linked to the demo building, for instance Mobility (from home to demo building but also business travel).

EduFootprint Plus Calculator is an Excel file with different worksheets; the main one is Data Entry, which is filled in with the data collected from demo buildings, divided in five groups:
- Building consumption (electric energy, thermal energy, water consumption)
- Product consumption (paper products, stationery products, toilet and cleaning products, equipment…)
- Mobility (official vehicles, travel: home-demo building, business travel…)
- Food (canteen, cafeteria, dispensing machines)
- End of life (wastes, wastewater)
These data allow generating, automatically, the impact of the demo building using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, so, considering the full life cycle of demo building’s activity, expressed as Environmental Footprint of the demo building.